Everything that applies to everywhere
What is included in a global site setup?
Icon & Logo
Send us your logo and we'll make sure the best format is applied for your header logo, transparent logo, and favicon.
Header & Footer
We'll change the layout to the header and footer and add any content you'd like. Choose from navigation menus, search forms, off-canvas flyouts, and more.
Colors & Type
Send us a color palette or a logo source image and we'll make your website colors match your brand from the very start.
We'll build any number of navigation menus you need. We'll even make sure each page you need on your site is imported and ready for you to customize.
Global setup does not include editing or customizing any content within an individual page or page template. It only includes the items that will apply to the entire site globally. If you'd like help with customizing page contents, we can do that for an additional fee per page.
Get Started Today
We will need a few things from you...
To get started, we'll need you to complete a questionnaire with all the information we need to complete the site setup. In order to complete the questionnaire, you'll need the following information on hand:
Your Logo Files
Preferred File Types: .ai, .eps, .svg, .afdesign
Your Color Scheme
Visit https://coolors.co/generate to prepare your palette.
Navigation Items
What pages do you want available?
Basic Organization Information
Name, Address, Phone, Locations & Times