Latest Changes

4.13.7February 14, 2025

Today we’re shipping a new dark mode for the dashboard. Currently, it will automatically activate if your system is in darkmode, so if your system is set to automatically adjust at sundown, you’ll have some nice, relaxing dashboard screens at night. 🙂

This doesn’t affect the post editor yet, but all the other pages should be looking nice and dark. We’ll add the post editor darkmode soon, but we want to take some time to fix any little bugs or issues with the darkmode we shipped today first.

4.13.0February 12, 2025
YouTube video

At Digital Church, we’re working hard to deliver the most up-to-date, easy-to-use platform for churches to power their church websites and management systems in one place. We’ve just rolled out an updated dashboard that utilizes the latest technologies to make it easier to navigate and use. This new admin menu lays the groundwork for upcoming updates to our admin user interface that we will be rolling out over the coming months.

3.2.0October 24, 2023

Our previous implementation of announcements allowed for a single announcement to be set for your website. We’ve started to implement a new post type for announcements so you can have multiple announcements scheduled with expiration dates.

3.1.19October 23, 2023

We’ve made a few tweaks to the code that powers our livestream. Now, instead of only using the live-stream shortcode, you can also use livestream. We also made a few improvements to the timer display so it looks better on smaller devices. In addition to that, we made some changes to the register page template to use the new register shortcode for

3.1.18October 20, 2023

This release included some small tweaks to the iframe code that embeds videos. This should fix some display issues we’ve seen on sermon pages. While we were there, we added a field to stories to be able to select a custom aspect ratio to power vertical videos and other aspect ratios better.

3.1.18October 20, 2023

In this update, we made a few small tweaks to the stories feature, including updating our front-end layouts to work with vertical video aspect ratios. We added an option to select the correct aspect ratio for videos in stories and also made it s the name is no longer a required field. Some css was also added to help .videoWrapper iframe to work properly on existing sermon videos.

3.1.17October 19, 2023

Previously, we’ve used a third-party plugin called Ultimate Member to handle all of our user account related pages, like Login, Logout, Password Reset, Register, and Account. We are beginning to build our own solution to replace Ultimate Member with better functionality. This begins with new shortcodes for register, password, login forms, as well as custom routes for /account, /auth, /login, /logout, /password pages. Now you won’t have to manage a page in the backend for each of these. They will automatically work across our sites.

3.1.16October 17, 2023

In this update, we adapted our livestream features to use the .widescreen class that we had previously created. This will allow us more flexibility in the future to be able to accommodate other stream aspect ratios in the future. We also adjusted the order of the tabs in the livestream tabs section to place Giving ahead of the Bible embed. We made some minor updates to the starter layouts for Group archives as well.

3.1.15October 16, 2023

In this release, we have added a field to our Groups functionality to include a group video. To use this, you’ll need to have your frontend layout updated for groups, so reach out to us for help with that. We also added some new utility classes for videos, which you can read more about in our guide on Video Wrappers. Lastly, we updated some of the styles for our No team members found. shortcode. See this guide for more information.

3.1.14October 12, 2023

This is a quick release to update the icons in the admin section. We use Font Awesome icons as our main icon collection.

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